
Tuesday, 10 July 2012

The Big Knit is Back–Innocent Smoothies

big knit

Innocent smoothies are really excited to announce the launch of the Big Knit 2012. For the past 9 years Big Knit supporters have knitted millions of little woolly hats for our smoothies, with a donation from every bottle sold going to charities that support older people during the chilly winter months.

Since we started we've raised over £1 million, so if you've ever picked up your needles and knitted a hat for us or bought one of the smoothies that was wearing one, thank you very much.

We're doing it all again this year, and 25p from every hatted bottle sold will go straight to Age UK to help older people keep warm and healthy this winter. So stretch out those fingers, get your needles out and untangle that wool. It's time to get your knit on.

Check back soon for knitting patterns and loads of exciting plans for this year's campaign.


click here to learn more and sign up.

big knit

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